It's a special kind of sadness experienced by those who watch the sun go down on a beautiful, medieval, European city from the inside of a classroom. I was taking notes in microeconomics from 5-7:30 this evening, a practice I will continue four days a week for the next four weeks. But you know what would make me feel better? Mail! If you'd like to write, the best way to reach me is at the university.
Kelsey Soeth
The Bologna Center
Johns Hopkins SAIS
Via Belmeloro 11
40126 Bologna
Please, please, please do not forget to put the country! Not that I'm pointing any fingers...
In other news, I ventured out onto the streets today to buy a SIM card for my ancient Blackberry. While the data bundles offered here aren't nearly as cheap as South Africa, I don't think I was swindled too badly and the big news is that I'm back online. Call me, text me, BBM me (23E416E6), e-mail me (, Facebook me (Marie Soeth), tweet me (KSoeth)! I can do it all!
The number is rather a mouthful, and I have no idea how you'll make it work in the States, but the Italian version is: 333 658 9343
Look forward to hearing from you!
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